
Thoughts and Your Visions

The dreamers are the saviors of the world. The visible world is sustained by the invisible world.   Men, are nourished by the beautiful visions of their solitary dreamers. Humanity cannot forget its dreamers.  It cannot let their ideals fade and die. It lives in them. 

Without dreams or visions, life can grow stale.  For the seen world was created out of that which is unseen.  Visions and dreams from the unseen world sustain progress.  "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov…

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The Effect of Thought On the Body's Health

The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the mind’s commands, whether they do it consciously or unconsciously.  At the bidding of lower level, stressful thoughts, the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay. With beautiful thoughts, the body maintains youth, strength and beauty.

Disease and health, like circumstances, are shaped by our thoughts.  Negative and anxious thoughts will manifest as a sickly body.  Fearful thoughts can kill a man as quickly as a bullet. Thousands of peopl…

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Map Your Vision

Just for a minute imagine something.  Imagine you want to take a cross country trip.  There are a couple of ways you could approach this trip.  
You could decide to take your trip with a bicycle.  In addition to the bicycle, you could decide to take the trip without a map or GPS. You decided you would go wherever the road would take you.  
Or you could decide to use a GPS.  Not only that, but you wouldn't be taking your trip on a bicycle.  You'd be taking your trip in a Porsche, with t…

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As A Man Thinketh

I have a new book I'm excited about, coming soon to Amazon.  It's called "As A Man Thinketh", by James Allen.  This is a book originally published in 1914.  This new edition I've put together, is a Christian edition of the book.  Your thoughts do help to create your reality, both in a negative way and a positive way.  This book gives Biblical insights for the believer, regarding the impact your thoughts have on your life.  The following describes a bit more what the book is about. 

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Commit to What?

One of the big things that frustrated me when I was in university, was the need to choose a major of field of study.  I had a choice of a degree in business.  Or I had a choice of pursuing a degree in journalism.  

Within the business degree track, there was the choice of business management, accounting, marketing or general business.  There were various choiced within the journalism track as well.  

The choices above, of  course, didn't include career choices in the sciences, math…

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Time to Take Action

You and the Israelites keep moving!!  Moses had led the Israelites out of their Egyptian bondage. God had permormed many, mighty signs against the Egyptians that convinced Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt.  Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.  They carried with them much wealth God said He would give them. 

So the Israelites left Egypt.  They ended up camping between Migdol and the sea.  God led the Israelites to camp there.  He said that Pharaoh would think the Israelites are …

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What? Your Mind Doesn't Like Money?

Kris Vallotton, in the introduction of his book, "Poverty, Riches and Wealth: Moving from a life of Lack into True Kingdom Abundance", made an astounding statement.  His statement reinforced something I've seen and heard for years, from my Christian brothers and sisters. 

He stated, to which I agree, that as much as many poor people despise the wealthy, that "God's noble people also despised wealth....  Despite the fact that we all (the people and family he grew up with) yearned for a heavenly …

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Make A Decision

God has given you a tremendous power regarding your destiny.  It's a power no one can take from you.  No one can rob you of it.  No one can steal it from you.  It's during your time of making decisions that your destiny is shaped. 

Think back over your life, say for the last 10-15 years.  Can you think of a time when your decision altered the course of your life?  Was it altered for good or for not so good.  Did the decision lead later to celebration or regret?

Whether for celebration or…

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How To Bring God's Favor

I've been going to church since I was a kid.  I was saved in 1976.  I'm not sure how long you've been a Christian, but if you're like me, you've heard numerous sermons about God's principles.  

God's promises and principles are all through scripture.  But, again, if you're like me, you haven't heard too many preachers or Bible teachers at all, teach you how to tap into God's principles, bringing His favor.

It's always been frustrating to me.  Perhaps it's been equally frustrating to you.…

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God Will Transition You

In the book of Exodus, you see the deliverance of the Israelites out of slavery, out of Egypt. God used Moses to lead them out of slavery and away from Egypt.  

The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years.  That was their life for 400 years;  the hard bondage of slavery.

God performed many, mighty miracles through Moses, to convince Pharoah to let the Israelites go free.  But his heart was hardened and he wouldn't set the Israelites free.  In all, God sent ten plagues on Egypt.…

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