
Making Decisions

Commit to What?

One of the big things that frustrated me when I was in university, was the need to choose a major of field of study.  I had a choice of a degree in business.  Or I had a choice of pursuing a degree in journalism.  

Within the business degree track, there was the choice of business management, accounting, marketing or general business.  There were various choiced within the journalism track as well.  

The choices above, of  course, didn't include career choices in the sciences, math…

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Time to Take Action

You and the Israelites keep moving!!  Moses had led the Israelites out of their Egyptian bondage. God had permormed many, mighty signs against the Egyptians that convinced Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt.  Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.  They carried with them much wealth God said He would give them. 

So the Israelites left Egypt.  They ended up camping between Migdol and the sea.  God led the Israelites to camp there.  He said that Pharaoh would think the Israelites are …

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Make A Decision

God has given you a tremendous power regarding your destiny.  It's a power no one can take from you.  No one can rob you of it.  No one can steal it from you.  It's during your time of making decisions that your destiny is shaped. 

Think back over your life, say for the last 10-15 years.  Can you think of a time when your decision altered the course of your life?  Was it altered for good or for not so good.  Did the decision lead later to celebration or regret?

Whether for celebration or…

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